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New Seminar: God’s Temple in the End-Times. Next Thursday Live: Satan’s False Trinity


I’ve been busy preparing for a new 2-part seminar entitled, God’s Temple in the End-Times, to be held this weekend in Eureka, Montana. This seminar is greatly needed, especially since so many these days are discussing The Temple Institute and its plan to sacrifice a red heifer. The details of my seminar are below. Note: This seminar will NOT be live streamed, but we hope to record it and make it available to you soon. If you live near Eureka, come join us! If you can’t attend, please pray. We have invited the Eureka community, and many have already indicated that they are excited to be there. 

Next Thursday LIVE! May 16, 4-6 pm Pacific Time. Our topic is: Satan’s False Trinity.

Newly released videos on our White Horse Media YouTube channel:

Anti-Trinity Myths (from 3ABN)
The Ten Commandments: Abolished or Unchangeable? (Part 1)
“And They Crucified Him.” Matthew 27:35 (A Must-Watch!)

Testimonies from our YouTube channel:

“Thank you Pastor Steve and Pastor James for this extensive study. I appreciate that you made it clear that there are many things about God we cannot fully comprehend.” Sharon H.

“These two astute men of God have studied out this topic to its core ,and I believe have rightly divided in a exhaustive way the truth that there is a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit!” Cheryl L.

All of us here at White Horse Media deeply appreciate your prayers and support for our God-ordained ministry. 

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